Thank you to all who came to the beach workout on Saturday! I hope everyone had fun and enjoyed the workout! Also, a huge thank you to Ray for letting us use his tires and to all of those who helped unload and load equipment.
Level 1
Every :30 Seconds for 20 Intervals
1 Power Clean 115/75#
2 Front Squats
1 Push Jerk
AMRAP in 15 Minutes
40′ DB Walking Lunges (High Carry) 35/25#
10 Push Ups
40′ DB Walking Lunges (Low Carry)
15 DB Push Press
Post Rx or number of cycles completed and total number of rounds plus reps.
Level 2
Every :30 Seconds for 20 Intervals
1 Power Clean 185/125#
2 Front Squats
1 Jerk
AMRAP in 15 Minutes
20 Calorie Row
20 KB Flip Squats 53/44#
20 Handstand Push Ups
Post Rx or number of cycles completed and total number of reps.
Barbell Club
EMOM for 15 Minutes
1 Clean off the Blocks @ mid thigh *AHAP with good technique
5 x 5 Dead stop front squats from bottom *Pick 1 weight for all 5 sets
Post loads.
Crossfit Old School
50-40-30-20-10 Reps of
Wall Ball 20#@10’/14#@9′
Sit Ups
Post time.
Rose Rx/2 Rx
Cathy 20 / 3 Rx
Jennifer Rx / 2+10 P/U Rx
Erka 20 / 3+20′ HC
Barbara Rx / 3 + 10 PP Rx
Rob Rx / 4 + 8′ HC Rx
Paul Rx / 4 + 10 PU Rx
Christian 14 / 160 Rx
Rob 19:24 Rx
Stroup Rx/4Rx
Mike S. Rx/3+8′ HC 30#
Walt 20 mod/4
Linda Rx/3+5P/U Rx
Troy Rx/2Rx
Travis 20@115#/3+20′ HC
Ed A. Rx/4+10 P/U Rx
Berenice 20@55#/2+10P/U
Heather Rx/180Rx
Alex 20@155#/175Rx
Sabrina 17:57
Eric 17:57
Briley 13:30Rx (30:24 2rds)
Jess 20@35#/4+10 P/U
Lisa Rx/4+40′ HC Rx
April 20@55#/4
Anthony F. 20@95#/4
Tina Rx/4Rx
Monica 20@55#/4+6 P/U Rx
TIffany 20@55#/4+10 P/U
Sami 15:54Rx
Roselynn 17:00Rx
Alex 14:09Rx
Ray 20@95# mod/2+20′ HC Rx
Essence Rx/3+20′ LC mod
Steven C. 11/–
Tasha Rx/3+7PP Rx
Susan 20@55#/3+3P/U
Court Rx/3+5PP Rx
Brittany K. 19@105#/3+3PP
Brittany 19@95#/4
Rich 11@115#,8@95#/2+38’HC
Morgen 15@45#/2+9P/U
Alfredo 20@75#/4
Amanda 20@55#/3
Scott 20 mod/4
Chris F. Rx/3+10PP Rx
Julia 9@95#,11@85#/CFOS: 15:51Rx 10′
Matt 14@185#/3+20’HC Rx 40#
Nicole 20@55#/3+40’HC
Tina H. 20@55#/3+40’HC
Christina G. Rx/3+3P/U Rx
Severen 20@55#/4+10P/U
Blake Rx 135#/4+16’HC Rx
Lorraine 20@35#/2+40’HC
Dylan Rx/4Rx
Brian T. Rx 135#/3Rx
Jason 20@65#/3+15’HC
Amy 20@55#/2+7PP
Trapp 16@155#/196Rx 62#
Chris B. 16/137Rx
Jimmy 15/120Rx
Ira 19/88
Summer 20@55#/2+32’LC
Tommy 20@95#/2+40’LC
Pat 19@135#/3+20’HC Rx
Jeria Rx/3+5P/U Rx
Yvette 20@45#/3+40’LC
Alex G. Rx/3+6PP Rx
Milly 20@105#/72Rx
Newman 20@165#/171Rx
Steve-O 5@185#,11@165#/164Rx
Brent 20@135#/160Rx
Mac 10@135#/115Rx
Sean –/217Rx
Dave M. 6@185#,11@165#/160Rx
Emily C. 20@55#/3
Chez 20@45#/2
Tristan 20@65#/3
Jill 20@55#/3+40’HC
Chloe 20@35#/2+15’LC
Mike 20@95#/2+20’LC Rx
Michael 20@95#/4+10 P/U
Carrie Rx/5+6PP (got confused on reps… :/)
Alberto Rx/3+20’LC Rx
Anthony 14/180Rx
Jeff W. 16/208Rx
Terry 17@165#/209Rx
Sloane 20 mod 105#/113Rx
Gary 20@135#/134Rx
CFOS Milly 14:59Rx