2 Minute Interval

:30 All Out on AirDyne

Burpee/Broad Jump for remainder of 2 minutes.

Rest 2 Minutes

3 times.


10 Deadlift  (BW/3/4 BW)

20 Pull Ups

30 Wall Ball  (20# @ 10'/16# @ 8')

3 times.

Post burpee/broad jump totals and time.

Coaching Tips:  Scale load and movements to match your current fitness level.  The purpose of the AirDyne is to achieve a pre-exhausted state that will make the burpee/broad jump that much more effective physically and mentally.  The broad jump must clear the width of a floor mat.  Your hands must land wherever your feet were at the start of the burpee. You cannot dive out into your burpee.  The second workout has you performing deadlifts at body weight for guys and 3/4 body weight for the women.  All the rest you know how to do.

We had a great turn out Saturday and Sunday. Thank you all for making the start of a new era of CFEC's never ending journey towards forging elite fitness.