Choose 1 of the following for completion:

Rowing Intervals
5 Minutes on / :60 seconds rest
4 Minutes on / :45 seconds rest
3 Minutes on / :30 seconds rest
2 Minutes on / :15 seconds rest
1 Minute on
*For the “on’s” 250M @ 2K PR pace, 250M easy
Rest 3 Minutes
1 Minute on/ :15 seconds rest
2 Minutes on / :30 seconds rest
3 Minutes on / :60 seconds rest
4 Minutes on / 2:00 rest
5 Minutes on
*For the “on’s” 125M ALL OUT / 375M easy


Running Intervals
3 x 600M Rest :75 seconds after each
2 x 200M Sprint Rest :75 seconds after each
Rest 4 Minutes
3 x 400M Rest :75 seconds after each
2 x 200M Sprint Rest :75 seconds after each
Rest 4 Minutes
3 x 400M Rest :75 seconds after each


Airdyne Intervals
12 Sets
20 Calories Airdyne
Rest 1 Minute between sets