Those of you that are volunteering for this event, please, sign up for job responsibilities and time of day you are available to assist at the event.  The sign up sheet is at the front desk.  Thank you for such a huge show of support for this great charity event.
Level I
AMRAP in 20 Minutes
10 Deadlifts  135#/95#
10 Lunges
10 Weighted Sit Ups  35#/25#
Post total Reps.
Level II
Back Squat  3,3,3,3
3 Rounds
400m Run
10 Squat Cleans  115#/78#
10 Push Jerks
Post load and time.
Level 2X
20 Thrusters  155#/103#
Every break in reps, 20 Double Unders and 5 Burpees.
Break in reps is when the bar hits the floor.
Post time and D/U, Burpee reps.