Level 1

1 Mile Run
10 Clean and Jerks 115#/75#
10 Burpee Pull Ups
10 Box Jumps 20″
500m Row
10 Clean and Jerks
10 Burpee Pull Ups
10 Box Jumps
30 GHD Sit Ups
10 Clean and Jerks
10 Burpee Pull Ups
10 Box Jumps
Post time.

Level 2

AMRAP in 10 minutes
50 Double Unders w/Zeus Rope
60′ Sled Push 180#/120#
Rest 3 minutes
AMRAP in 10 minutes
200m Run
10 Burpee Pull Ups
Rest 3 minutes
AMRAP in 10 minutes
10 KB Thrusters 2 @ 53#/2 @ 35#
10 Box Jumps 24″/20″
Post rep total for each.

Barbell Club

Take 15 to build to heavy single of Clean and Jerk
Back Squat 8,8,8,8,8
Post loads.

CrossFit Old School

1 Mile Run
200 Sit Ups
1000m Row
200 Double Unders
Post time.