Level One

4 Sets of 10 Reps Deadlifts
*Set Every 2:00
*Pick a Challenging Weight You Can Keep Unbroken
*Stay at same Weight
1 Mile Run
50 Abmat Sit-Ups
1200m Run
40 Abmat Sit-Ups
800m Run
30 Abmat Sit-Ups
600m Run
20 Abmat Sit-Ups
400m Run
10 Abmat Sit-Ups
200m Run
-Post Load and Time

Level Two

8 Rounds
New Round Every 3:00
21 Cal Row
15 Hang Power Clean 115/85#
-Post Rx or Rounds Complete


100 Air Squats
90 Sit-Ups
80 Alt Walking Lunges (1=1)
70 Burpees
60 Second Plank Hold (On hands)
50 Mountain Climbers (R/L=1)
40 Push-Ups
30 Hollow Rocks
20 Squat Jumps w/ Barbell 45/35#
10 Strict Pull-Ups
-Post Time