5 Overhead Squats to 5 Front Squats x 5, rest 3 minutes between sets.
Split Jerk 2,2,2,2
15 Calories on AirDyne
30 Double Unders
Rest 2 minutes.
3 times.
Post loads and fastest split time.
ATTENTION ATHLETES: CFEC is an Official Affiliate to have your Open Workouts validated. You are invited to come in and participate in these workouts on Friday at 6:00 p.m. and Saturday at 12:00 p.m. You must be a registered athlete to participate in the Open workouts. There is a $2 fee for non-members to have their workouts judged and validated. CFEC athletes may participate free of charge.
Emily 93#/113#/:52 Rx
Shelly 25#/55#/1:56
Deborah 25#/55#/-
Charlotte 63#/88#/3:01
Jack 95#/155#/-
Don 175#/155#/:47 Rx
Walt 105#/155#/1:04Rx
Julie 73#/88#/1:42Rx
Rob 55#/95#/2:45 2 sets
Chris A. 125#/150#/1:27Rx
Jason 115#/155#/1:16Rx
Michelle 73#/93#/1:41Rx
Justin B. 155#/135#/:43Rx
Dusty 225#/225#/:40Rx
Tina F. 78#/98#/1:11Rx
Dustin S. 145#/165#/:38 Rx
Baron 65#/85#/2:21
Matt 135#/245#PR/:53Rx
Sara 88#/88#/1:31Rx
Jake 135#/165#/1:08Rx
Jarodd 135#/185#/–
Janis 25#/25#/1:45
Jeff M. 125#/175#/:39Rx
Susan –/83#/1:49Rx
Jarodd airdyne/double unders :49Rx
I love your writing style genuinely loving this website.