Deadlift  5,5,3,3,2,2,1


250m Row

15 Thrusters  95#/63

3 times.


50 Weighted Sit Ups  35#/25#

Post load and times.

Coaching Tips:  Warm up properly prior to any max load lift attempts.  Once form has diminished on your deadlifts, your coach will inform you not to increase the load of the bar any further.  The following two workouts are brief, so should be done as fast as possible.  Reset the rower after every 250 meters.  Hold the DB under your chin throughout the sit up and do not use it as a momentum device.

Lenny showing plenty of determination in pulling a PR in his deadlift.  Already a talentedgymnast, Lenny, has decided to take his talents full bore into CrossFit.  Keep your eyes on him, his mentor is none other than JoJo.  He was seen working on his muscle ups the other day, all on his own. Good work, Lenny.