Overhead Squat 5,3,2,2,1,1


4 Minutes of Max Reps of Push Jerks  95#/63#   (Comp. 135#/93#)

Rest 1 Minute.

3 Minutes of Max Reps oF KB Swings  53#/35#   ( Comp. 70#/53#)

Rest 1 Minute.

2 Minutes of Max Reps of Push Ups     (Comp. Hand Release)

Rest 1 Minute.

1 Minute of Max Reps Knees to Elbows  (Comp. Toes to Bar)

Post load and reps for each movement.

Coaching Tips:  Scale load and movements to match your current fitness level.  After a complete warm up, you will have 6 sets to find your max load in the overhead squat. Keep to the rep scheme presented above.  The second workout is in a testing format to find your max reps in a given time limit. To score highly is to minimize the rest periods during the working time frame. 

REMINDER:  CFEC's ribbon cutting ceremony is tomorrow, Wednesday, November 10th at 4:30 p.m.  Make plans to attend.