3 Person Teams:

While one team member is completing a 200m Keg Carry (95#/45#), the other two team members are working on:

100 Pull-Ups

200 Squats

100 Push-Ups

Only one team member may be working on the exercises at a time, the other must hold a bumper plate (45#/25#) extended overhead.  Each team member must complete at least one keg carry, and at least one of each exercise.


By Paul Flores

CrossFit East County is experiencing an amazing growth spurt.  With the continuing growth of CrossFit in general, and CFEC in particular, more people are coming to us to fulfill their fitness needs.  This truly is a blessing.  It is also a great opportunity for all of us who consider CFEC a wonderful tight knit community. Each one of us can recall what it felt like to walk through these doors and witness the mind blowing performances of some of our athletes while they were pushing hard through a workout. It was awe inspiring, exhilarating and intimidating all at the same time.  You probably said to yourself that there would be "no way" you'd be able to perform like that.  Well, with a little perseverance and dedication you found yourself working out just as hard as anyone else. These new athletes are feeling that way too. The growth of CFEC is a good thing.  I want to tap in to our deep reservoir of talent and ask if any of you are interested in becoming a mentor for the new people coming to CFEC's classes.  What this will entail is being a friend to the new athletes, showing them around, and showing them how we do things.  For example, where to put their personal belongings, how to set up their bar  for the workout, maybe even your take on how they should approach the workout and, how to clean up after themselves after the workout,.  This is a way for those of you that have been here awhile to ensure that these new people keep YOUR facility the way YOU would like it to be. Your influence on them will help to instill the values YOU feel for the facility and community that YOU have been instrumental in building.  YOU each have the opportunity to leave your mark on someone who is about to begin their CrossFit journey.  This may only take a day or two, maybe a week, but YOU have the chance to mean even more to me and OUR family here by volunteering a few minutes before, during or after a class.  If this sounds like something you may have an interest in, please send a message to comments or contact me personally. Thank you all for your consideration in our new mentor-ship program.


Do you remember your first day in the gym?   Meet Dan Marquis, today was his first day at CFEC, and since he met "pukie" we are quite sure he will remember HIS first day in the gym!  He and his beautiful wife Laura have joined the CFEC family, we welcome them!