AMRAP in 90 Seconds of:

:30 All Out on AirDyne

Max Double Unders

3 Minutes Rest

5 Sets


AMRAP in 3 Minutes of:


Unbroken Hang Squat Cleans  95#/63#

Rest 3 Minutes

3 Sets

Post highest double under round and highest HSC round.

Coaching Tips:  The unbroken hang squat cleans workout goes like this: pick the bar up off the ground and perform 2 hang squat cleans with out letting go of the bar or resting it on the ground. After your 2nd rep, touch the ground with the bar and then perform 4 hang squat cleans. After you've completed your 4th rep, touch the ground with the bar and complete 6 unbroken hang squat cleans. That's one round done as Rx'd. The bar can only be set on the ground after reps 2,4 or 6.

ATTENTION ATHLETES:  CFEC is an Official Affiliate to have your Open Workouts validated.  You are invited to come in and participate in these workouts on Friday at 6:00 p.m. and Saturday at 12:00 p.m.  You must be a registered athlete to participate in the Open workouts.  There is a $2 fee for non-members to have their workouts judged and validated.  CFEC athletes may participate free of charge.