Rest Day/Benchmark Workout/Make Up Workout
NOTICE: The 10:00 a.m. class has been moved back to 10:15 a.m. Please make a note of the new time change. This will make parking a lot more convenient when the 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. over lap each other at the top of the hour.
Rose 31:40 Rx
Row/DL/Sit Up
165# Snatch
3:54 Rx 10 Burpee/2 R/C X 3
210# Snatch PR
275# Back Squat
“Helen” 7:28 Rx PR
335# Back Squat PR
6:25 Rx 10 Burpee/2 R/C X 3
Sara W/O from 10/12 73# Snatch 39:58 Rx
Jeff A. W/O from 10/13 32:59 Rx
Justin B. “Nancy” 18:02 Rx
Brandon W/O from 10/13 34:02 Rx
Tina 19:48 Rx
Run/DB Cleans/Push Up/Pull Up
Dustin Clean 215#
Monica 113# Clean and Jerk PR
10 Burpee 2 R/C X 3 9:36 Rx
Shawn 10/13 w/o 36:50Rx
Rebecca C&J 138# PR
Scott 10/13 w/o 44:50 (1 mile only)
Jason 15:42Rx Run/DB Cleans/Push Up/Pull Up
Tiffany BS 3×5 105#
Brittany 10/11 w/o 33/7:56 2 Rnds
7 Rounds
7 Power Snatch 95#
21 Double Unders
Justin D. 7:30Rx/10/13 w/o 32:32Rx (Row)
Ja’Rodd 8:27Rx/11 Rnds Cal. Airdyne Ladder
Tony A. “Grace” 2:44Rx PR
Robert “Grace” 4:35Rx PR
From the Crossfit East County Satelite Facility On San Clemente Island ;p
Tony, you can’t just make up times and expect us to to believe it! I hope you had your 5 cameras to prove it!
Tony, too bad PR’s don’t count unless they are actually made under the CFEC roof…Good job boys, but we expect to see a repeat performance when you get home.
Wow! Tony and Robert, those comments didn’t EVEN come from our top evangelical trainer, Lisa. Talk about community!
W/O from 10/13
Dano J. 33:23 Rx
Chase 28:05
Eric 38:57 Rx
Amelia 36:47 Rx
Jessica 46:07 Rx PR 9:53 mile
Steve H. 33:00
Steve-O 30:22 Rx
Kristi 39:22 Rx
Tyler 34:29 Rx
Shaun 31:23 Rx
Mike 56:10 Rx “Murph”
Jon B. “Nate” 6 Rx
10 Burpee 2 R/C X 3 4:57 Rx
Jim D. “Homemade” 34:28
W/O from 10/13
Yvette 36:30 Rx
Tina R. 37:34
I named my workout “things I hate” while running mile 2!!!!
Really clear site, appreciate it for this post.