In this picture stands a total of 65 year fitness relationship with these four women. Each one has been an absolute joy to have as a client and a friend. Of course, Tina is my favorite. Thank you, Tiffany, Linda and Susan for all of the years of friendship.
Level 1
3 Rounds
Max reps at each exercise for 1 minute
1 minute rest between each round.
Power Cleans 75#/55#
Box Jumps 20″
Double Unders
Toes to Bar
Push Press
Post rep total.
Extra Credit: 1 Mile Run
Level 2
Complete in any order or rep scheme.
100 Toes Thru Rings
50 Burpees
50 Ring Dips
125 KB Swings 70#/53#
100 Calorie Row
100 Single Arm DB Push Jerk 50#/35#
100 GHD Sit Ups
Post time.
“Weight Vest Wednesday”
1 Mile Run
4 Rounds
20 Plate Clean and Press 35#/25#
20 Overhead Walking Lunges
10 Burpees
10 Pull Ups
1 Mile Run
Post time.
L 1
Erica S. 287 Rx EC
Rob 266 Rx EC
Tim S. 327 Rx. EC
Diana 45:30 Rx
L 1
Brenna 259 Rx
Jennifer K. 331. EC
Cami 275
Mary 324. EC
Emily 405 Rx. EC
Julie 295
Michelle 301
Lisa R. 282 Rx EC
Sonya 182 EC
Jessica 369 Rx. EC
Antonio 422 Rx EC
Lisa 42:25 Rx
Savannah 40:21
Sam S. 40:38 Rx
Sean 43:05 Rx
Nicole 46:38
Tina 36:40
Maricela 351 Rx – Ec
Grace 371 Rx – Ec
Nacho 320 – Ec
Joe 31:40 Rx
Lisa F. 31:58
Sam 39:29
Kila 37:27 Rx
Clarissia 44:20
Daren 40:30
Love you Paul and miss you guys so much! What a friendship we have had💕💕 You and Tina are the best!
L 1
Jimmy 395 Rx
Warren 362 Rx
Chris 290 Rx
Pat 397 Rx
L 2
Trapp 64:45 Rx
BK 50:33
Jake 49:01
Sara 44:35 Rx
Dave 44:37 WV
Justin 36:57 Rx
Dean 43:23 Rx
Andrea 43:25 Rx